St George's Chuch of England Primary School

St. George's Alumni

We are starting to put together a network of 'Old Georgians'; people who used to attend school here and who would like to be involved with the school. 

This might be about coming to talk to the children about what you do now. 

It might be about volunteering in school. 

You may want to support us financially or with your time.

Maybe you could help with our marketing campaigns?

You might like to know what's going on at school so you can join us for community events. 

How can I become an Old Georgian?

Contact the school office on and let us know you're interested in being involved. We will add you to a database and contact you with opportunities to be involved with school. 

Follow us on social media

Follow us on one of our social media channels to see what's going on in your old primary school. 

Facebook - St. George's Primary Battersea 

Instagram - stgeorgebattersea