School Trips
We are proud of the trips and additional enrichment opportunities that we offer at St George's. In addition to trips that support the curriculum, for example to museums, galleries and to local landmarks and places of interest, we also plan opportunities to develop culture, spirituality and fun!
For most trips, we secure funding so that they are free or subsidised for our children. Our Reach for the Stars program provides sponsorship for trips through generous donations. Occasionally, parents may be asked to contribute to the cost of a trip. Where possible, this is heavily subsidised and children will never be excluded from a trip if parents are unable to pay. However, if we cannot cover the cost of a trip, we may have to cancel it completely. We suggest that families try to budget approximately £50 a year for school trips/visitors.
School trips are a great addition to the curriculum and we want all children to be able to attend these events wherever possible.
Our first priority is making sure every child is safe when they are out of the building. Sometimes parents will be asked to accompany their child on a trip to ensure their safety.
If a child's behaviour is unsafe and they would pose a risk to themselves or others out of school, they may not be able to attend a trip. Your child being safe is our FIRST priority and we take that very seriously. Staff must feel confident that they can keep your child safe at all times on a trip.
Wherever possible, all children will be included in school trips with all reasonable adjustments made for this to happen. Sometimes we will need your help to achieve this and we will ensure you are given plenty of notice if you or another family member will need to accompany your child.
Sometimes trips need lots of adults and we may ask parents to support us on school trips. From September 2024, parents who volunteer on a school trip will need to have a DBS check.
If you are keen to volunteer on trips, please let Mrs Collymore or Miss Sharper know so that we can arrange for a DBS check to be carried out.
If you know you will be able to volunteer on trips with other classes and are keen to support the school in this way, please speak to Mrs Collymore or Miss Orchin know.
Parents will not be able to volunteer on trips for the following reasons:
- your child is subject to a social services plan
- you have had any banning orders from school
- you would need to bring a younger sibling with you
If you are accompanying your child's class on a trip, you will be expected to attend a briefing before the trip to talk through the risk assessment and the itinerary for the day. You will be expected to adhere to the school's policies and work with the school adults to ensure the safety of the children in your care.
See the parent volunteering policy for more details.