St George's Chuch of England Primary School

Our Governors

St. George’s Church of England Primary School Governing Body

Co-Chair of Governors

Mrs Roberta Cooke and Mr Steve Macklin
C/O – St. George’s CE Primary School, Corunna Road, SW8 4JS
(020) 76221870 

The Governing Body

We have three core duties as partners in education:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

We operate according to the following principles:

  • Selflessness: acting always in the interest of the school.
  • Integrity: not placing ourselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence us in our work. We declare and resolve any interests and relationships.

  • Objectivity: we act and take decisions impartially and fairly using the best evidence.
  • Accountability: we are accountable for our decisions and actions and submit ourselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.

  • Openness: we act and take decisions in a transparent manner.

  • Honesty: we are resolved always to be truthful.

  • Leadership: we actively promote and robustly support these principles and are willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.



Meetings and Members

The Governing Body is made up of the following:

Name of Governor Type of Governor APPOINTED BY Term of office START Term of office END
1 Leighton Carr

Vice Chair



Archdeacon Ex-Officio Ex-Officio

Steve Macklin


FOUNDATION Church Council 01/09/23 01/09/27
3 Patricia Trusty FOUNDATION Church Council 16/10/21 15/10/25

Roberta Cooke


FOUNDATION Church Council 11/11/23 10/11/27
5 Amanda Hoffman FOUNDATION Church Council 10/11/23 09/11/27
6 Kafui Brese FOUNDATION Church Council 11/1//23 10/11/27
7 David Bradley FOUNDATION Diocese 20/11/24 19/11/28
8 Jenny Bailey FOUNDATION Diocese 20/11/24 19/11/28
9 Sarah Collymore Head Ex-Officio Ex-Officio
10 Georgia Orchin STAFF School staff 30/11/22 29/11/26
11 Donna Guy PARENT Parents 25/10/24 25/10/28
12 Geneve McDonald PARENT Parents 29/11/23 28/11/2027
13 Janet Brooks LA LA 04/07/22 03/07/26

Evan Whyte 



Governing Board




The Governing Body meets 3 times a year, once a term.


In addition to the statutory committees to determine Hearings, Appeals, Admissions and the Head’s Performance Review we also have three sub-committees.

Resources – Chair – Amanda Hoffman – meets x3 per year

Community – Chair – Janet Brooks – meets x3 per year

Curriculum  – Chair – David Bradley- meets x3 per year

Link Governors

SEND - Geneve McDonald 

Safeguarding - Roberta Cooke

Pupil Premium - Evan Whyte 

Governors Attendance Information

Governor Attendance 23-24

Governor Attendance 22-23 

Governor Impact Statements

 Annual Governance Impact Statement 2023-2024 

Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023


Instrument of Government/Standing Orders

Instrument of Government