Our Governors
St. George’s Church of England Primary School Governing Body
Co-Chair of Governors
Mrs Roberta Cooke and Mr Steve Macklin
C/O – St. George’s CE Primary School, Corunna Road, SW8 4JS
(020) 76221870
The Governing Body
We have three core duties as partners in education:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils
Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
We operate according to the following principles:
- Selflessness: acting always in the interest of the school.
Integrity: not placing ourselves under any obligation to people or organisations that might try inappropriately to influence us in our work. We declare and resolve any interests and relationships.
- Objectivity: we act and take decisions impartially and fairly using the best evidence.
Accountability: we are accountable for our decisions and actions and submit ourselves to the scrutiny necessary to ensure this.
Openness: we act and take decisions in a transparent manner.
Honesty: we are resolved always to be truthful.
Leadership: we actively promote and robustly support these principles and are willing to challenge poor behaviour wherever it occurs.
Meetings and Members
The Governing Body is made up of the following:
Name of Governor | Type of Governor | APPOINTED BY | Term of office START | Term of office END | |
1 | Leighton Carr
Vice Chair |
Archdeacon | Ex-Officio | Ex-Officio |
2 |
Steve Macklin Co-Chair |
FOUNDATION | Church Council | 01/09/23 | 01/09/27 |
3 | Patricia Trusty | FOUNDATION | Church Council | 16/10/21 | 15/10/25 |
4 |
Roberta Cooke Co-Chair |
FOUNDATION | Church Council | 11/11/23 | 10/11/27 |
5 | Amanda Hoffman | FOUNDATION | Church Council | 10/11/23 | 09/11/27 |
6 | Kafui Brese | FOUNDATION | Church Council | 11/1//23 | 10/11/27 |
7 | David Bradley | FOUNDATION | Diocese | 20/11/24 | 19/11/28 |
8 | Jenny Bailey | FOUNDATION | Diocese | 20/11/24 | 19/11/28 |
9 | Sarah Collymore | Head | Ex-Officio | Ex-Officio | |
10 | Georgia Orchin | STAFF | School staff | 30/11/22 | 29/11/26 |
11 | Donna Guy | PARENT | Parents | 25/10/24 | 25/10/28 |
12 | Geneve McDonald | PARENT | Parents | 29/11/23 | 28/11/2027 |
13 | Janet Brooks | LA | LA | 04/07/22 | 03/07/26 |
14 |
Evan Whyte |
Governing Board |
20/11/24 |
19/11/28 |
The Governing Body meets 3 times a year, once a term.
In addition to the statutory committees to determine Hearings, Appeals, Admissions and the Head’s Performance Review we also have three sub-committees.
Resources – Chair – Amanda Hoffman – meets x3 per year
Community – Chair – Janet Brooks – meets x3 per year
Curriculum – Chair – David Bradley- meets x3 per year
Link Governors
SEND - Geneve McDonald
Safeguarding - Roberta Cooke
Pupil Premium - Evan Whyte
Governors Attendance Information
Governor Impact Statements
Annual Governance Impact Statement 2023-2024
Annual Governance Statement 2022-2023
Instrument of Government/Standing Orders