British Values
“Schools should promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” (Department for Education, 2014)
All schools have a duty to actively promote British values. At St George’s Church of England primary school, we promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our children through collective worship, our school curriculum and by modelling our vision in everything we do.
St George’s is a learning community where everyone can prosper and flourish in God’s wisdom and where each person is known, loved and valued.
British Value |
How we promote it
Links to vision: community
known, loved, valued
- We learn about democracy through history (for example Ancient Greeks, the Stuarts and the Reformation, The Rise of Hitler and World War II and the Civil Rights Movement)
- In collective worship we celebrate leaders who have campaigned for democracy, such as Martin Luther King Junior and Nelson Mandela
- We allocate roles in classes such as line leader and teach children how to lead fairly and democratically
- Pupils visit Parliament and take part in workshops to teach them how democracy works in government
- We listen to each other and conduct pupil, parent and staff surveys throughout the year, taking action where necessary
- We provide a safe space for children and adults to talk and be listened through for example by providing music therapy
- We seek to ensure that the voices of our families are heard beyond the school gate, whether through accessing our school social worker, liaising with specialist services on their behalf or providing points of contact for support
The Rule of Law
Links to vision:
learning community
God’s wisdom
- Our Calm School Code ensures that high expectations for pupil behaviour are met – children learn that good and poor behaviour choices lead to consequences. We celebrate superstars who have consistently shown St George’s values and applied their top standard in both behaviour and work
- We are consistent in applying our behaviour policy across the school
- Collective worship and PSHE encourages children to reflect and develop a strong sense of morality, knowing right from wrong and making sensible choices even when it is difficult
Individual Liberty
Links to vision:
each person
prosper and flourish
- Our superstar assemblies reward children who take responsibility for their actions
- We encourage children to think for themselves, taking part in sport activities during and after school
- Our PSHE lessons include a unit on personal liberty, ‘Being Me in My World’
- In collective worship, we celebrate differences and encourage children to be proud of who they are
Mutual Respect
Links to vision:
prosper and flourish
known, loved, valued
- We have extremely high standards of behaviour and personal conduct from both staff and children – this is reflected in our behaviour policy and also our staff code of conduct
- We believe that people are made in the image of God and as such, every person is respected and valued
- Our PSHE lessons include a unit ‘Celebrating Differences’ where children are encouraged to reflect on and respect the differences between each other
- We recognise injustice within our school, local community and in the wider world and we teach our children to recognise it and to consider how they might react to it, for example through collective worship, PSHE and in the curriculum (for example through history and religious education)
- E-safety is taught to all children –pupils are taught how to negotiate social media and how to address online bullying
Tolerance of Those with Different Faiths and Beliefs
Links to vision:
prosper and flourish
known, loved, valued
- As a Christian school, we recognise and respect religious differences and diversity. We teach a range of world religions and encourage children from other faiths to share their beliefs and practices. Everyone at St George’s is welcome
- We encourage children and staff of other faiths to practise their religion, for example, providing space for prayer during Ramadan and making adjustments if children are fasting
- We develop links with a range of religious communities, for example visiting a local mosque and inviting a Jewish leader to speak to our children
- Our ‘Around the World’ days offer families and children the opportunity to celebrate the diverse and exciting range of religious beliefs and cultures that make up St George’s