School App
St George’s CE Primary is a cashless school. We use a school app from Arbor, an online payment service that allows all parents to pay for a range of school items quickly and easily. All school related communication, including newsletters, club bookings, lunch bookings and payments will go through this app. To stay up to date with what’s going on at school make sure you download the app for free.
Download the app here:
You will be able to make online payments via the smartphone app or website via instant bank transfer, credit and debit card. You will also be able to view your balance for school meals, breakfast and after school clubs, enrichment clubs and can top them up at any time.
We will notify you by text or email when new items such as school trips or tickets for events are available for payment on the app. You will also be able to give online consent, where required, for your child to take part in activities.
Remember to put notifications on for this app and log in regularly to see letters, news etc.
If you have any questions or need assistance please call the school office or have a look at this help guide: