St George's Chuch of England Primary School

Reception- beech class


Reception Theme: 'Cultural events and celebrations'

Children will be given opportunities to learn about and explore different cultural events and celebrations throughout their continuous provision and PSHE lessons including: Guy Fawkes, Diwali, Eid al fitr, Chinese New Year and Christmas.

Talk for Writing: Hansel and Gretel 

Phonics: Unit 3-7 Sounds Write see below link for more information

Maths: number

  • recognising, counting, ordering
  • finding ways to make 1-10 using a variety of materials 
  • one more and one less
  • estimating
  • comparison and composition

 Shape, Space and Measure: 

  • 2D shapes and their properties: hexagon, pentagon, octagon, heptagon 

  • Pattern: spotting error in ABB pattern

Maths Meeting:  Days of the week, weather, date, months, seasons

RE: Why is Christmas Special for Christians?

P.E: integrated into outdoor continuous provision including, balance, jumping, understanding rules of games.

Fine Motor: building strength in hands and dexterity in support of writing, letter formation and writing.


Read with your child every night. Battersea Library has a wide selection of children's books and you can sign up to borrow them for free! 

Guided Reading books will be sent home towards the end of autumn term. Your child's reading record needs to be signed daily by an adult at home.

In Reception, autumn term focus on establishing routines around independence and school preparation, including getting dressed and tidying up independently. We really appreciate your support with this at home. 


In autumn 2, there will be a trip to Battersea Park. More information on this will be available soon.


Thank you to all who attended our Family Learning sessions in A1. We really appreciate your support. We have taken on board your feedback and are planning the next Family Learning week for spring term. 


Reception will be taking part in the whole school Nativity. More details on this will follow.



Sounds~Write: A guide for parents of children in Reception

Sounds Write app

Tiny Happy People: develop your child's language skills. Explore simple activities and play ideas.

Busy Things: educational games for kids