St George's Chuch of England Primary School


Research on homework in primary school consistently suggests that it has little to no significant impact on children's academic success. Various studies have shown that, for younger students, the time spent on homework often does not correlate to improved academic performance. In many cases, excessive homework can lead to stress and disengagement, detracting from the joy of learning.

However, some research tells us that homework can be beneficial when it focuses on reinforcing concepts already introduced in class. This is particularly true when it allows children to revisit and practice specific skills. At St. George’s, we have carefully considered what homework should look like for our children. We have designed a home learning curriculum that allows the children to consolidate their understanding of key skills in maths, reading and spelling whilst still allowing them to enjoy their downtime at home. The expectations for homework within each phase is outlined below.

You do so much as parents and it is really important that time spent with you outside of school is quality time. If you’d like to support your child’s learning journey further, consider taking them out to explore the world! You can visit the free museums in town, enjoy time in the parks, work on a puzzle together or discover something new as a team.

EYFS Expectations

Your child will be sent home a decodable reader towards the end of autumn term. You should listen to them read this every evening. 

We would also encourage you to read books with your children as this has the potential to have the greatest impact on their learning journey. If you do not have access to EYFS appropriate books, please speak to your child's class teacher. 

KS1 Expectations

Weekly spellings- set on a Friday and due on a Wednesday. A spelling quiz will given the following Friday. 

Daily reading- it is so important that you listen to your child read every day.

Daily maths- log onto Numbots/TTRS  and play for 15 minutes a day.

KS2 Expectations

Weekly spellings- set on a Friday and due on a Wednesday. A spelling quiz will given the following Friday. 

Daily reading- it is so important that you listen to your child read.

Daily maths- log onto TTRS and play for 15 minutes a day.

Spelling Lists

We follow the Sounds-Write programme to teach phonics and spelling across the whole school. Weekly spelling homework includes words containing the spelling pattern taught that week in addition to key vocabulary from the week's learning.

Year 1 and Year 2 Common Exception Words

Key Stage 2 Spelling Lists

Useful Websites

Remember to always supervise your child when they are online.

Sounds Write app Download the Sounds Write app for iPads

Numbots           Times Tables Rock Star                                            Ask your teacher for login details for Numbots and Times Tables Rock Stars. 

Have a look on your child's year group page for some fantastic resources to support with home learning.