St George's Chuch of England Primary School

Spanish (MFL)

There are all sorts of languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning. 1 Corinthians 14:10

At St George’s Church of England Primary School, we are proud of the diversity and range of different cultures and languages represented by our pupils. Over 50% of our children speak English as an additional language (EAL), with many of these children speaking more than one additional language at home. Many of our children arrive at St George’s with the foundations for learning another language, English, already in place and have begun to express their thoughts and ideas in another language.

Children learn Spanish from Year 3: the number of Spanish-speaking residents in Wandsworth has grown in recent years. Our intention is that all children will acquire the necessary skills needed to speak, write and read in Spanish at an age-appropriate level. Thus children at St George’s will be able to communicate with their Spanish neighbours in Wandsworth and experience hearing it spoken in real-life contexts. 

In Early Years and Key Stage 1, we ensure that all children are able to read, write and speak proficiently in English, whether as their mother-tongue or as EAL learners. We value our vocabulary-rich curriculum and emphasise story-telling, writing and reading.


We first introduced our  Spanish curriculum in September 2019.  Teaching and learning of the Spanish was impacted by covid so we made the decision to relaunch the curriculum in 2022, with all year groups being taught the same content in the first year. A 4-year plan for the progressive teaching of Spanish has been implemented to ensure that all children are able to access the curriculum. 

Currently, Year 3 are in their first year of the Spanish curriculum and Years 4-6 are all in their second year.

Spanish Curriculum

Modern Foreign Language (Spanish) Intent Statement


Home Learning